Welcome to Dremur's blog and podcasts
If you are interested to pick up useful insights about B2B sales then the Dremur Blog and Podcast page is a great place to start.
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Sales acronym & jargon buster
It’s very ironic that most people in sales understand the need to communicate in simple terms and avoid jargon where possible yet the industry is full of confusing jargon & acronyms!
A Technician, Entrepreneur and Manager walks into a bar…..
A blog inspired by reading The E-Myth (Michael Gerber) and one that 99% of business owners will resonate with. If you’re thinking of starting a business or you’ve already started one and you haven’t read the book, I highly recommend you do so.
The State of Sales
LinkedIn has produced its annual report on the State of Sales (2021) and here are my takeaways from it…
It doesn’t matter that you’re the boss – it’s time to have some time off!
This is relevant to all types of work and not just in sales.
Customer Retention & Customer Acquisition strategies – which should I prioritise for my business?
A tricky question ALL business owners will have to ask themselves. Thankfully though, the answer is simple…. Both! End of blog. Ok, let’s flesh this out so the time you take to read this is worthwhile.
Are you losing sales staff and don’t know why?
This blog will help you understand what, until you stop this from happening, the effects will be on your business and then provides some advice on how to stop it.