
My 1st year as a Dremur

Back in the summer of 2022, I saw a post that Owain shared on Facebook highlighting the benefits of a career in sales. The post really caught my eye as I have always had an interest in exploring opportunities in sales but had very limited knowledge of the industry. Fast approaching my 40s with no sales experience, a background in the building industry and 12 year’s in the Fire &

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2023 – not a vintage year but a year full of lessons nonetheless!

Time flies when you’re having fun…right? Or maybe it’s just that, as you get older, the years go by quicker. Reflecting on it, 2023 has passed by very quickly and, whilst there have definitely been positives to take from it, I can’t say it’s been a year of fun. From a business perspective, Dremur Ltd completed its 3rd year which is a HUGE positive of course. 2 months into the

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Cold calling is NOT dead….yet.

The argument rages on in the sales world but maybe the time when ‘cold calling’ is dead isn’t that far off. For the purposes of this blog, the definition of ‘cold calling’ is using the telephone to call strangers without a pre-arranged appointment and initiating a sales conversation with the ultimate aim of that stranger becoming a customer of yours. Since 1998 when I got my 1st sales job booking

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1096 days and counting

That’s right, Dremur Ltd has finished a 3rd financial year! The results are in and the accountants need to tidy it all up but, as you’d expect, I have a pretty good idea as to what they will show. At a quick glance, our revenues have dropped compared to FY2, our overheads have increased and therefore our net profitability has dropped. You might read that and wonder if the doors

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