
Niche – ‘neesh’ or ‘nitch’?

I think it’s a UK/US thang so, as I’m from the UK, I’m going with ‘neesh’. However it’s pronounced, the point is that, as of October 2024, Dremur’s outbound appointment setting service is exclusively for IT MSPs (Managed Service Providers). Why? It’s a world I’ve known for the last 20yrs so, from the beginning of when Dremur started offering this service, it was always in the back of my mind

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Another year goes by!

And, as Elton famously sang way back when, I’m still standing…. 1st September 2024, the beginning of FY5 for Dremur Ltd so it’s natural to recap and review the last 12mths of being a business in business serving other businesses who want to succeed in business and remain a business – our business is growing other businesses. High level summary; we fell short of revenue targets by 15% however, as

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It’s your fault if your sales figure suffer when taking time off.

Not your boss’, not your customers’ and not your colleagues’ – it’s all down to you and that’s why you struggle to properly switch off when on holiday. That’s why you convince yourself that it’s ok to check emails and take work calls. That’s why you convince your partner and children that you must still work otherwise you can’t go on holidays. That’s why you will miss opportunities to create

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Bouncebackability – have you got it?

A noun supposedly coined by a professional football manager in 2004 but, according to the Wiki bible, it was apparently 1st uttered way back in 1972. The ability to bounce back or recover from bad circumstances Life, at home and at work, is never plain sailing and problem free. Don’t buy into the BS hype you may see on social media – EVERYONE has issues to overcome and, more often

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Dremur welcomes the 1st dreamers to the team!

November 2022 – a notable month in what I hope will be a long history for this company. Up until last month, I had been flying solo since Dremur’s inception in 2020. From the off, it has always been my intent to grow the business so that it 1) isn’t just me, 2) it can achieve results without me and 3) it provides employment…that vision is starting to really take

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How being the best at your job can actually damage your career

You’re great at what you do and now you want a promotion. Trouble is you only went and inadvertently made yourself irreplaceable thinking that was a smart move but guess what….. You’re IRREPLACEABLE! It’s not just a fancy term to let everyone else know you’re amazing – it’s actually your reality and, ironically, can be a living nightmare. You are so good at your job and no-one else can do

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Recruiting is a time consuming process which, if not done correctly, can be a waste of everyone’s time, energy and money so….get it right!

Ok, so you need to hire a new sales recruit (or more)….good for you! Do you have a job specification for the role? If not, how are you going to know what you’re looking for?! If you do have one, is it something that the general public could easily understand? Can you find common traits amongst your previous best recruits, high performing colleagues (past and present) or others who you

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