
Niche – ‘neesh’ or ‘nitch’?

I think it’s a UK/US thang so, as I’m from the UK, I’m going with ‘neesh’.

However it’s pronounced, the point is that, as of October 2024, Dremur’s outbound appointment setting service is exclusively for IT MSPs (Managed Service Providers).

Why? It’s a world I’ve known for the last 20yrs so, from the beginning of when Dremur started offering this service, it was always in the back of my mind as to whether niching would be the right way to go but I needed to see whether we could achieve results in other sectors before making that decision.

So, that’s what we’ve been doing over the last 18mths…testing ourselves in other sectors such as digital marketing, videography and employee health related services. Whilst we didn’t flop completely and not achieve any results in these sectors, it’s clear that, with our combined experience and improved understanding of the realities of generating demand and interest for IT services, niching in this sector is the right decision for Dremur and its clients (current and future).

This doesn’t mean that we won’t continue to offer consultancy, training or coaching to businesses in other sectors – it means that, until Dremur is a bigger company (in terms of headcount), our service where we arrange meetings for our clients with fully qualified prospective clients is only for IT MSPs.

Whilst our MSP clients operate in different ways, have different skillsets and target different criteria of prospects, they all essentially offer very similar services meaning our approach for each campaign only needs small tweaks here and there. That’s great for us and our clients as, through repetition, making mistakes, learning and then implementing, we are getting better at early stage disqualification; we are getting better at identifying who we need to engage with; we are getting better at starting conversations; we are getting better at asking thought provoking questions which show the prospects we truly understand their world; we are getting better at following up; we are getting better at playing the long game and we’re getting better at achieving the outcomes our clients want from working with us – meetings with prospects who genuinely want to meet with them.

Despite some of the campaigns we’ve worked on not being a success; I remain grateful to each of those clients for choosing to use Dremur and I hope the feedback we’ve provided as to why we couldn’t make it work has been useful to each of them in finding another way to achieve the results they want. As for the clients we’re working with and those who choose to use us in the future, each partnership is made on the mutual understanding that we don’t offer quick fixes and we don’t make any guarantees as to what we can achieve and in what timeframe. We can give realistic estimations based on our experience (which we often get right) and I know, as a result of niching, we will only continue to get better at achieving results in the IT sector as we march towards being known as the #1 in our industry and in our niche.

We’re Dremurs on the road to making our dream a realIT. Come join us if you need to.